Random Numbers

How LuckyStar Generates Random Numbers

Generating random numbers is a critical component in ensuring the fairness and transparency of betting games. LuckyStar employs two different sources of verifiable random functions (VRFs) to guarantee that unbiased and cryptographically verifiable random numbers are generated by smart contracts.

Quantum Random Numbers:

LuckyStar leverages the latest research in Quantum Numbers Lab from Australian National University to deliver truly random numbers based on the principles of quantum mechanics to smart contracts. These random numbers are generated in real-time by measuring the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum, which are considered as the fundamental source of randomness in the Universe.

For every bet placed in LuckyStar contracts, a call is made on-chain from the Oracle Service provided by API3/QRNG using two transactions. For more information on the detailed execution process, please refer to the QRNG documents.

Supra VRFs:

LuckyStar utilizes Supra VRFs in the TestNet from SupraOracle, which is considered one of the best decentralized verifiable random functions for most of the TestNet. For more information on the detailed execution process, please refer to the Supra VRFs documentation.

Last updated